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Our Legacy

Since 1990

Step into the illustrious journey of Ram India, a saga of relentless dedication, innovation, and excellence that began in 1990. From humble beginnings to a celebrated legacy, our timeline not only marks our growth but also the evolution of quality living spaces in Pune


The inception of Ram India, originating as an Oil Trading Depot, laying the foundation of a business legacy.


Diversification into the realm of personal care with the launch of ‘Paramount Hair Oil,’ marking success in coconut hair oil manufacturing.


Recognition of entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen with the ‘Bharat Udyog Ratna Award’ and ‘Business Express Award.’


Strategic foray into the Real Estate sector, initiating a journey of architectural excellence through partnerships.


‘Green Divine’ project heralds a full-fledged entry into Real Estate, showcasing a commitment to eco-friendly living and luxury.


Phenomenal success of ‘Unnati Heritage,’ with all units sold within an astounding 4 hours, setting a record in customer trust and project appeal.


A significant milestone with the completion of 10 diverse projects, each a testament to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.


Unprecedented sales achievement with ‘Green Hive B2, B3,’ marking over 100 units sold within a week, redefining market standards.


Launch of ‘Green Hive Plus,’ an endeavor to enhance luxurious yet sustainable living spaces.


Dominating the market with ‘Index Tap,’ recognized as Top Sellers in Pune South East within three quarters, a testament to our enduring excellence and strategic foresight.


Unveiling of ‘Address One,’ a modern testament to our legacy of crafting spaces that resonate with luxury, comfort, and community living.

From a single step taken in 1990 to a journey spanning decades, Ram India has sculpted a legacy built on trust, excellence, and unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. As we forge ahead, we carry our rich heritage as the beacon guiding our path to new horizons, creating spaces where dreams thrive, and every milestone is a new beginning.